Whakanui a Matariki with Te Hunga Rōia Māori o Aotearoa

He tino whakahirahira rawa atu tō mātou whakanui a Matariki! Ki a tangata kua haere mai, e mihi ana ki a koutou mō ō koutou tautoko me mahi mō tō tātou Morning "Potluck" i te ata o Rātapu, ki te whakanui i a Matariki.

Words cannot begin to describe the wairua, energy and learnings we experienced at our Matariki Morning Potluck, in collaboration with Te Hunga Rōia Māori o Aotearoa.

We were led up Ōwairaka at 5.30 am by Pei, who taught us so many things, including Matariki, the reason our rohe is called Tāmaki Makaurau, and the whakapapa of kupu such as karakia. We found out Sunday was Okoro, which felt like a tohu for our rōpū. There were so many other beautiful tohu that day, like the kōnehunehu (a type of cleansing rain) that fell as we began to waiata Purea Nei, and the words horoia e te ua (to be cleansed by the rain).


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