ALN ‘Zine Project [Submissions Closed]

The Areas of Knowledge steering group is looking for contributors and editors for an upcoming compilation project centering the lives and lived experiences of the ALN community.

Its main feature is: You! We’re calling for submissions of personal reflections, poetry, prose, maybe an opinion piece on a topic of your choice. We're keen to include visual art also!

The goal is to showcase talent - not necessarily in an academic way, so unorthodox submissions are welcome. This will ideally be different from the academic journals that we’ve all grown too used to, though we welcome formal and academically focused submissions as well.

In order to keep this project as accessible and wide-ranging as possible, the Steering Group is setting a soft upper limit of around 2500 words. We're open to discussion on this, so please get in touch if you've got something that doesn't fit these loose guidelines.

If you are keen to submit a piece for consideration, the deadline for submissions is January 31st 2023.

If you are keen to help edit and publish the magazine, most of this work will occur in February 2023. Our proposed timeline is to publish by March next year.

If you have any questions, or need more information before submitting, reach out to us at There is so much talent in our community and we just want to highlight it in our own way!


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